Wednesday, January 20, 2010


December was full of a lot fun.......

Fiona had her first Basketball game.

Fiona performing at her school assembly with her class.

Kellyn making his debut as baby Jesus in our Church activity.

The girls in the Angel choir that same night.

With Santa at the the Christmas Tree farm.

The tree we finally all agreed on at the Christmas tree farm. (We had two, this one went upstairs and the girls decorated it.)

Kellyn at two months. He is 131bs!

Secret Santa........ We don't know who it was, but it was a wonderful gesture and the girls loved it!

Sean and girl's making a ginger bread house. It turned out awesome!

Aida in her Christmas outfit. Everyone at church thought she was so cute!

The girls and Kellyn on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve dinner with friends. We had clam chowder and ham. Dinner was a lot of work, but well worth it.

We decided to go to the Aquarium in Chattanooga after Christmas. It was well worth the trip. We will be going to back to visit soon!

Our friends the Wylykanowitz's came for a few days and spent New Year's Eve with us. We had great time.
Our kids did a lot of dancing and putting on shows for us. It was fun to watch!

1 comment:

The Otis Family said...

About time you updated the blog. Julie you look fabulous. No one would ever believe you just had a baby. I can't believe how big the girls are getting. Sometime I wish I could slow down the growing process.