Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Faces of Aida
on her first day of Kindergarten.................
She insisted on riding the bus. She jumped right in and didn't need her Mama! She had no fear and was so excited that she was finally getting to go to school.

She didn't want to hold still for her picture!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
First Day ...........
Off too Third Grade! (August 13th,2009)
Of course, Fiona didn't want me to take her too school, but at the last minute decided it was okay for me to take her.

The girls in front of the house. Aida was tested for Kindergarten, but doesn't start till next week. She was very disappointed that she wasn't going to go to school yet!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
More of pictures...........
Aida with Yellowstone lake in the background.

Denver. We stayed a few days with my brother's family. We went to the Denver Botanical gardens. It was beautiful.

They had hidden dinosaurs throughout the garden and then a play area for the kids to uncover the dinosaur bones.

And then we hightailed it home to Tennessee. I think it was the longest two days for the girls. They figured out some interesting ways to sit in their seat! Sean was so glad to see us ! We made it home with 4 days to spare before school starts out here.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Going Home!
We left for home Monday morning after spending spending the weekend getting ready to leave and dealing with Fiona not feeling good and Uncle Paul and Uncle Joseph coming home 24 hours before we left. Paul and Joseph were good sports and played with girls all Sunday after church. They had such a great time and of course Fiona loved it because they like to play games!(uno spin, mexican domino's, etc) We headed to Portland to spend sometime with Family. The only glitch is that Fiona was not feeling well and I ended up taking her to our old Doctor when we got in town. She had a really bad evening and night before and I knew something was definitly wrong. She ended up having an ear infection. ( I originally thought it was swimmers ear, from swimming under water so much!) Anyway, we got that cleared up and she was able to get on some antibodics and go back to her Grandparents house to play with the cousins and spend time with the Gate's side. I had plans to drop in and visit some my friends at Nike, but that kinda got pushed to the wayside because of Fiona trip to the Doctor, I was a little sad about that. My sister-in-law Heather got some good shots of the cousins playing together.(July29th posting) It of course was stinking hot and and Monkey Ryan was good sport and played in the pool with them. We left early that evening to drive to Baker City spend a day or so with Uncle Rod and Aunt Sandy in Baker City. We kept it very low key. We got to pick Rasberries and green beans and just hang out and rest. We got to see the new renovations on their house. I was so impressed!

Rod drove the girls around in his hot-rod! They loved it! He was a good sport! Next time they want him to take them to the Mountains in it and you know they won't forget!
From Baker City we went to Pocatello and then on too West Yellowstone, with a quick stop in Rexburg. I went to school in Rexburg about- well lets just say a few years ago! It has changed so much. It isn't a small town anymore!
Yellowstone was amazing, we only were able to spent about two days and that wasn't enough time! We will definitely be going back. We saw lots of animals and natural wonders. The girls loved it. We at one point had to wait for the Buffalo to cross the road! Yellowstone was the first National park ever created.

Artist viewpoint( 3 waterfalls different levels)

Dragon's lair (it was noisy) This was my favorite!

Yellowstone in know for its "Old Faithful" Geyser that goes off about every hour and half. Fiona loved and had go see it go off several times. We had a great time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Oregon Vacation-July12th-26th
After the Sister's quilt show, we headed back to my parents home. Where we cleaned, watered the garden daily, did swimming lessons, went to the beach, did some sewing and played with Fiona's Penpal Jessica.
The girls had swimming lessons at the pool every morning for a week and a half. Fiona was learning how do flip turns, and a little bit of stroke work. Aida is floating on her back on her own and a even stronger swimmer. Her next step is breathing to the side. The both love playing mermaids and sharks. I can't keep them on top of the water!
The girls helped Grandma plant and weed in the garden and earned some vacation money doing it. My parents have Rasberries and Logan berry patches in their yard and they just let the girls pick and do as they please with them. We made freezer Jam one day with Fiona friend Jessica. Fiona had a Penpal this last year with my parents neighbor granddaughter. Her Grandparents made arrangements for her to come and spend a week while Fiona and Aida were in town. They played every after for a week. I tried to have an activity for them to do every afternoon. We went to Sunset Beach, Shore Acres, made Jam, Made Necklaces, painted pictures.
The girls had swimming lessons at the pool every morning for a week and a half. Fiona was learning how do flip turns, and a little bit of stroke work. Aida is floating on her back on her own and a even stronger swimmer. Her next step is breathing to the side. The both love playing mermaids and sharks. I can't keep them on top of the water!
The girls helped Grandma plant and weed in the garden and earned some vacation money doing it. My parents have Rasberries and Logan berry patches in their yard and they just let the girls pick and do as they please with them. We made freezer Jam one day with Fiona friend Jessica. Fiona had a Penpal this last year with my parents neighbor granddaughter. Her Grandparents made arrangements for her to come and spend a week while Fiona and Aida were in town. They played every after for a week. I tried to have an activity for them to do every afternoon. We went to Sunset Beach, Shore Acres, made Jam, Made Necklaces, painted pictures.

Fiona and Jessica at Shore Acres.

The Rose Garden at Shore Acres was gorgeous this year. I think it was the prettiest I've ever seen it.

We spent a few days up the coast a few days before we left Oregon. We went to Sea Lion Caves. It is the largest Sea Cave in the World.

View from one of the Windows on the way up.

Grandma and girls at the swimming pool in Depot Bay. Grandma really likes to take them swimming. I think it is her most favorite thing to do with the girls.

We also hit the outlet stores in Lincoln City and got the girls a few things for school. Then we headed back to my parents for two days where we got to see all the fish Grandpa Jim caught on his Canada trip. He caught a 1741b Halibut. That's about 80 pound fish meat! Uncle Paul and Uncle Joseph also showed up to help my parents do grunt work, so they can start some of their remodeling project. They spent Sunday afternoon entertaining and playing with the girls before we left on Monday morning.
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