This is my bother and sister-in-law house in Denver. They've been in it about a year. Jill has been wanting us to come out to see their house, so I was glad we were able to stay with them a few days. The have a really nice layout with huge backyard. The kids had great time playing in it. (Not many pictures due to my mom leaving my camera at the quilt store taking pictures of this quilt on Monday!)

The famous Monster quilt

Denver zoo - Fiona, cousin Jacob, Aida, cousin Titan and JJ(Jill's Mom)

Uncle Paul is the best! He pulled the wagon for the day and kept the kids happy!

Flamingos. They have amazing swivel copacity with their heads! Oh and they get there orange color from eating Shrimp......

Train ride. Can't seem to get Jacob to look at me!

Carousel ride with the hand carved animals.
After spending three fun filled days with family in Denver we headed out of town, but not before Paul took care of my car. Thanks Paul for taking such good care of my car.
Approximately nine hours later we stopped in Topeka, Kansas for the night. I think all they grow in Kansas is corn and beans, but mostly corn.
Next morning we drove another eight plus hours to Paducah, KY. We went through four states in one day.( Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky)
Sean met us in Paducah, I knew he wouldn't be able to stay away! (It is two hours from Nashville) The girls were so excited to see him! He even scoped out where the quilt museum was for me. (
quiltmuseum.org) If you are quilter you will know what I'm talking about! The next day we were able to go in the morning and then headed out for Nashville.

So we made it to Tennessee! Actually, it was pretty fun trip. The girls got to see a lot. Fiona really took it all in. Not many girls can say they've been too seven states. I drove the whole way. I wanted to see if I could do it! My mom got to enjoy the scenery and help me with the girls. The girls did awesome. I think we will do some more road trips, but for now we are going to stay put for a while! We are in apartment in Cool Springs for three weeks and then we will be able to move into our house. It looks like everything is on track.