Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer Fun and trip to the valley

We were in the Cemetery in Ashland where I have relatives buried. It is an older Cemetery that has beautiful old oak trees. Fiona and my mom in search....

My Great Grandparents. William and Myrtle Bryan. (My great great grandparents on my mom's mom's side) He was quite the wheeler and dealer from what my mom tells me. He traded a brand new home on the Los Angeles River for home and land in Ashland. Needless to say the home in Ashland was awful! But he put his family to work(brothers, cousins) on the land growing wheat and they didn't have to go to War.(first world war) He had promised his mother that he would take care of his brother on her death bed. He had way of making jobs and putting the family to work. They had construction business in LA and a chicken farm. He also was a engineer for the railrode in Ashland and did that for many years.

Aida at Lithis Park. This picture is so sweet.

Aida, she has such a fun personality. She is firecracker!

Lithia park in wading area. It was very cold! My parents and grandparents used to bring me to Lithia park as a little girl. We spent a lot of hot summers here. My mom lived behind the park as Until she was six and they moved into Medford. She showed us the house that she lived in that her grandfather built for her parents and where her grandparents lived with their homes. It was neat to see. I wish I'd taken some pictures......

Play structure at the park, it is made of rope and steel supports.

Aida is my adventurer. No fear.....

Inspirational flower picture.

Grandmie, Julie, Fiona and Aida. 3 generations of women in the Moyer family.

Grandma Judy, Aida and Fiona. This picnic spot at Lithia Park is one that every generation since my grandma Chastain has been coming too. There used to be small zoo with deer, I can remember as a little girl, but they've done away with it.

Duck pond that has probably been in the park since the beginning.

Female wood duck that Aida was chasing, had to put an end to that!

Long day, Gotta love those faces!

The Famous mulberry tree. My mother has a picture of her mother(Ethel Chastain) sitting under this tree in about the early 1900's during a fourth July celebration. I guess she ruined her white pary dress by sitting in the berries. Needless to say the tree is much bigger.

Camping overnight at the Valley of the Rogue. Fiona had great time collecting twigs and such for the fire.

Aida is asleep under the blankets in the tent. The tent wasn't big enough, so Grandma Judy and mom had to sleep outside under the stars! It got a little cold.

If your not familar with Lithia park is right near the Famous Shakespere festival in Ashland Oregon. We also visited Southern Oregon State College, as my mom had to meet with a state pers representive to go over her retirement papers. That's right my mom is retiring. She taught eighteen years at North Bend Junior High. She also found out on that day or later that week(I can't remember exactly), that she and fellow teachers got picked to present at the National teachers Science convention in November. They submitted a project that they do with the middle school kids that incorporates Science and English that studies and the Geology and the Oregon trail. Way to go Mom! We also got to meet one of her Master's adviser Prf. Stuart. He is studying a bird call at the moment(Can't remember what kind...) Anyway, he let the girls listen to his recordings. Ryan my brother in law would have thought it was great. He likes birding and is science teather, also.

1 comment:

Briar Rose said...

I remember this park. Very pretty. Glad to see family history at work.