Fiona standing over the tidepools

closeup of the tidepool

Another close-up

Fiona standing near the cliffs in front where the tide pools start

Castle that Fion and Aida and Grandma Judy built

I love this pictue of Aida looking out at the water

Fiona playing in the sand

Aida collecting wet sand for the building of the castle

Grandma Judy, Aida and Fiona

Fiona posing
The First weekend in November(2,3rd,4th) we went to my parents house for the weekend, for a much needed break. It is about a 4 hour drive. I picked up Fiona from school and we were on our way. The girls did pretty good on the drive down. We only stopped once! We went to the beach and had picnic and then played on the beach. It was beautiful day at the beach, no wind and warm. Going to the Beach is one of Fiona and Aida's favorite things to do. They can spend hours there! Of Course, Grandma Judy feels the same way. I felt very relaxed for the first time in long time. My dad was with us, but after eating he went to take a nap in the car.(He used to do this when I was little, too)
Fiona and I took a walk down the beach. The tide was out which was cool because Fiona is doing a unit on tide pools at school. She kept saying to me," Come on mom, I need to study these tide pools." She was so excited about the tide pools. It was neat to see her interest in them and just see how much she likes school.
My mom and I also managed to get a little shopping in. I really enjoy going shopping with my mom we have such a great time. I got some new shoes and we found some Christmas China at macy's for a great deal. We can't wait to use it on Christmas Eve.