Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fiona First Soccer game of Third Grade

Fiona is #2

Sean on sidelines with the coaches during the game. He isn't a coach but goes to help out at every practice. The head coach seems to travel a lot so they welcome his help. (He can't help it! His kids playing soccer and he can't stand not being able to kick the ball around with them!) He is really great with the kids, but likes not having the pressure of being a coach or even the assistant! Fiona is really loving soccer spending time with Sean doing something he loves, I think that is why she is enjoying it so much.

See Sean coaching Fiona from the sidelines.

Although, it is not Fiona's first soccer game, she hasn't played on team since Kindergarten. She is doing great, considering she is one of the younger girls as it is U10.


The Otis Family said...

We start soccer games in October. I love it. Always feels like fall has arrived when we're watching games.

Sean Gates said...

Fiona is really taking to it, though. I think she is going to improve immensely because she wants to practice so much. She wants to practice every day! :D

Amy said...

Yeah Fiona! Way to go, head cheerleader Dad Gates!