Sisters Quilt show 2009
We had a great time or should I say I did. It is tradition for the girls and I to go and for Sean to come up for the weekend at least, some years it's been more. Along the way I convinced my mom and my Sister to do classes with me during the week now that Jennifer is gone it something my mom and do together. I've gone for the past 10 years in row. So, I'm not ashamed to say this week is really about me, but the girls really are starting to love it, too.

This year I took two classes. The first class was called Magnolia by Sue Spargo. She is a folkart quilt artist. She works with wool and embellishments. It was a two day class and it was awesome. She is pretty amazing! I had a lot of fun.

The second clas I took was from Freddy Moran called ," Little House in the Big woods."She is hoot! She didn't start quilting until she was 60! She has two books out with Gwen Marsten. (Collarborating quilting) I love that she throws out the traditional quilting rules and their are no mistakes. You just add a little or take away.

My aunt Connie, Grandmie, Fiona, Uncle Richard and Aida. My Aunt is avide quilter and machine embroiderer. They come and see the show also. This year we were able to meet up and have lunch and take advantage of their swimming pool. The girls were loving that!

I made the girls dresses for the picnic and lecture on Friday night. Of course, we Fiona was not cooperating and when Jean Wells asked to take her picture she wouldn't do it. I was so disappointed! Jean Wells started the Quilt show 30 plus years ago. I made the dresses out of quilt panel dipicting the town of Sisters and the quilt show.(I got the panels last year)

Saturday Morning is the big Outdoor Quilt show. They hang all the quilts entered on the sides of the buildings and shut down Main street. It is pretty inspiring. They have kids area to promote the next generation of quilters. My girls are on their way! I've trained them well!
Here is Aida who is with one of the volunteers who just happens to be good friends of ours from West Linn.(Heidi Farnbach)

Fiona and one of the volunteers. She was quite miffed that they would not let her run the sewing machines because she knows how.

Saturday Afternoon we met up with the cousins who came up for the day. Oh, and the purple outfits weren't planned! Aren't they cute.

Fiona was the photographer this year. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Mainstreet, you kinda get an idea of the amount of people that come. They usually have about 10,000 poeple come on Saturday to see the quilts. The last few years they've closed the main road, so you don't have to worry to much about traffic coming through the middle of town. This year they had the most quilts they've every hung. 1,300! Pretty amazing.