I thought I'd try and post a few pictures while Kellyn takes his nap. Here are some things that we've been up too the last few months.
Making blankets with the girls for Project Linus. We did eight in all. It was a fun Service project for our family.
Seeing my good friend Becky. It was awesome. Just want I needed.
I told Sean that all I wanted to do was visit my best friend Becky from High School for my Birthday. Sean, never one to shy away from a road trip, said lets go! She lives about five hours away in Indiana. It was awesome. We had a such a great time and our girls get along great. One best Birthday presents I have ever gotten from Sean! (Disclaimer: the picture is not very good, but the only one we got!)
The girl's had one day off of School, so we went to the Zoo. I think this was Kellyn's second time. We have an awesome zoo! We are excited because we are getting Flamingo's this summer!
The Relief Society Quarterly meeting. My calling at church is plan the quarterly meetings and also monthly activities. We did a Super Saturday. It was a lot of hard work, but everything turned out great.
Just want I wanted for my Birthday! Boots. Thanks mom, I love them. ( I'd been talking to my mom about getting boots since September, but with having a baby and all it still hadn't happened in March.)
Finished up Basketball in February with Fiona and starting soccer in March. Fiona with her teamate. She is showing improvement. Aida is also doing soccer and is very excited her Dad is coaching her.
Dyeing Easter eggs(100 eggs this year).
We had help this year with the Valentine kids. We were so lucky that they came down to visit us for the weekend. We did lots of fun things like an Easter Egg hunts at Henry Horton, and a boat Ride at Opryland Hotel. Fiona and Ava having a great time.
Easter morning. Kellyn's first Easter. The girls were so excited for him and very worried the Easter Bunny might not have left him anything. Never Fear, the Easter Bunny didn't forget him!