Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fiona First Soccer game of Third Grade

Fiona is #2

Sean on sidelines with the coaches during the game. He isn't a coach but goes to help out at every practice. The head coach seems to travel a lot so they welcome his help. (He can't help it! His kids playing soccer and he can't stand not being able to kick the ball around with them!) He is really great with the kids, but likes not having the pressure of being a coach or even the assistant! Fiona is really loving soccer spending time with Sean doing something he loves, I think that is why she is enjoying it so much.

See Sean coaching Fiona from the sidelines.

Although, it is not Fiona's first soccer game, she hasn't played on team since Kindergarten. She is doing great, considering she is one of the younger girls as it is U10.

Aida's First Ever Soccer Game

On our way to the field. Aida is number 7.

A smile before the game.

Aida wanted to goof off with my camera.

The Kickoff!

A taste of the game:

She had strep throat and cold all week, so we really debated in letting her play on Saturday, but I'm glad we did! (She missed all week at school) I think she did pretty well considering how sick she was during the week. She really loves soccer and especially with Sean going to practice and helping with the team.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Nursery Rhyme Parade

Aida has been studying Nursery rymes at school, ever day she comes home with new one or two that they have learned. They did a parade through the school with all the Kindergarten classes on Friday. The kids were supposed to pick their favorite Nursery rhyme and dress up. Aida was "Jill"- Although she really wanted a black wig and couldn't find one, so she was a little unhappy with me!

Her class after the parade- I think all the boys were all King Cole!

Aida's Art shop- The Kindergarteners built a town decorate the hallways in conjuction with Nursery Rymes. This set off quite a frenzy of Art fun at our house. Fiona of course, was helping and had to decorate her school journal!